Our Product is in Beta

Our Product is in Beta: The OutCloud System’s Beta program is live at www.OutoftheCloud.com where you can sign up for a FREE TRIAL right now with no credit card required. The best way to see the earning potential of this product is to sign up and actually use it!


About OutoftheCloud

Unlike other ICO’s you may have looked into OutCloud Systems, Inc. stands apart in that we already have a working program. OutCloud Systems, Inc. has developed a state of the art Delivery Platform for sending multiple large multimedia files and has ventured well beyond the usual file sharing experience to include a dynamic and instantaneous streaming presentation of those files in a safe, secure and fully customizable display that can be personalized for each recipient.
These secured presentations can be created in just a few seconds and with just a few clicks of a mouse through our company website located at https://www.OutoftheCloud.com.

You can actually sign up for a FREE trial of or premium packages right now with no credit card required and start using our program immediately. Once you try this product I guarantee that you will fall in love with it just like all of the currently over 8,000 daily users we already have and you will quickly see why this ICO has so much earning potential.



The current way of sharing and sending large multimedia files comes with too many security risks and a very high vulnerability signature. These methods come with no presentation of any kind. There are invasive permissions required, software installations are needed and the recipients must download files one at a time before they can even see them.


OutCloud Systems' mission is to provide our users with the ability to stop using old and outdated systems and start sending live instant streaming and secured webpage presentations with no downloads required, no invasive permissions needed and no software to install in a truly decentralized process using a highly secured blockchain platform.


With OutCloud System's proprietary and revolutionary file delivery and presentation integrated with blockchain technology, cloud storage, data breaches, hacks and boring file share links are a thing of the past. The blockchain is being hailed as a forward-thinking solution to today's technological issues. By encrypting the data, it ensures data security. Bitcoin is based on the same technology and has grown in popularity among other financial assets due to its high trading profitability. With the use of crypto robots like Bitcoin Revolution, which run AI algorithms in the background, high profitability is attainable.


With Most File Sharing Solutions

File and Data Security

Leading file sharing services utilize centralized storage with high vulnerability signatures to store your important files and in addition, require their users to give total access to their desktop and files.

Zero on Presentation

File presentation has been totally neglected relative to file storage and delivery. There is huge segment of the market that doesn't exactly want to send boring links to someone, but yet doesn't want to have to be a web designer to convey the same content of the files on a time consuming web site. 

Large Storage Space Required

Large storage space (as in gigabytes) required not only of sender by file sharing services but the receiver as well! Downloading and installing their invasive program before files can even be viewed.


Our Method and Vision

Safe and Secure

Your files and data will be stored in highly secure and locked down folders, encrypted, parsed and placed all over the block chain-based network. Decentralized storage has impeccable security. In fact, we will be able to ensure files are never stored where you don't want them to be, like on a centralized cloud network.

Files 2.0!

The receiver of your files sees all the files at a glance, without downloading them or an intrusive program to see them. Our system is designed to allow our users to build a customizable secured web page presentation or dashboard that can also be branded to look like a part of the sender's company or personal website.

Nothing to Install

All that is needed by your client is Internet access, a pc/mobile, and a web browser to see your files the way you want them to be seen! No more invasive downloads of third party programs.

The main issue

There is no available means for people to not just send but PRESENT their files to their clients, patients or recipients...their way!

But now, Outcloud Systems, Inc has enabled the masses to do just that - lawyers, doctors, researchers, think tanks, even Grandma can securley send document, video, audio and image files
in a themed, cohesive, at-a-glance format to their intended recipients without the recipients even having to download any files to view them!

How it works

Boring links, Data Breaches, Invasive Application….No More !!!



Feel Safe Buying OUT2 Tokens

We have implemented a secure and safe interace for you to purchase our tokens either directly with coins or fiat money. Crypto tokens are a sort of cryptocurrency that represent a specific asset or usage and are stored on their own blockchain. Tokens are tradable and transferable among the many blockchain participants and can be used for investment, storing value, or making purchases. These tokens are denominated in cryptocurrencies or virtual currencies, and they have their own blockchains. If you're looking to start a small investment with these tokens, Bitcoin Gemini is the way to go. The bitcoin Gemini trading application is a well-known auto trading bot for cryptocurrency trading that offers big returns and allows for payment at any moment.

Safe & Secure Transactions
Encrypted and Kept Private
Multiple Payment Gateway
KYC Verification Required

Initial Token Offering

In order to fund the development and continued growth of the OutCloud blockchain platform and network, an initial coin offering is been held. This offering shall be a flex offering and uncapped. The issuance will be broadly classified as an ICO. The distribution of tokens into three phases ensures that the funds are being allocated appropriately and the corresponding results are being achieved for the same. This will ensure a controlled deployment of funds as various projects and product features are introduced to the community. A focus on planning is critical, rather than concentrating purely on capital collection. There will be a total of 12 Billion non-mineable coins available in the ecosystem.

12,000,000,000 Total Fixed Token supply
50,000,000 Hardcap (OUT2)
5,000,000 Softcap (OUT2)
9,000,000,000 Tokens for Public
ETH, BTC and LTC Accepted Currency

Bonus Details

ICO SALE - Phase 1 57% Bonus
ICO SALE - Phase 2 29% Bonus
ICO SALE - Phase 3 0% Bonus

Token Allocation

  • Token Sale Program 12,000,000,000
  • Reserve Fund 3,000,000,000
  • Phase 1 2,000,000,000
  • Phase 2 3,000,000,000
  • Phase 3 4,000,000,000

Funds Allocation

  • Marketing & Business Development 45%
  • Business Acquisitions 30%
  • Reserves 10%
  • General Expenses 10%
  • Incentives 5%




Core Team Members

Matt Ballard
CEO & Director / Founder

Robert Keddie

CTO & President / Founder

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Robert Keddie
CTO & President /Founder

Jonathan Rios

CTO & Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

David Barnes
Direct Sales
Sabrina Lopez
Crypto Social Media Expert/Consultant

Joseph Jordan

Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Ravi Ram Kallepalli
CTO of NuevesSolutions.com
Senior Software Engineer-VISA

Jonathan Rios

CTO & Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.

Junril Pateno
Full Stack Developer
Stan Ivasyuk
Full Stack Developer

Joseph Jordan

Software Engineer

He is a great man to work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis icing elit. Simi lique, autem.

Tenetur quos facere magnam volupt ates quas esse Sedrep ell endus mole stiae tates quas esse Sed repell endus molesti aela uda ntium quis quam iusto minima thanks.


Board Advisor

Hanover Financial Group
Financial Advisors


Frequently asked Investor Questions

Buyer Benefits

Outcloud is best suited for an ICO model as the project is so vast that it will be executed in stages and according to milestones, which can be achieved through ICO project funding. By contributing to the project, you are enabling this innovative product to be released to the public sooner. So, what's in it for the early investors?

  • •Early coin appreciation for Pre-ICO and ICO participants
  • •Potential to gain coin appreciation even before coin listing.
  • •Secured investment in soon to be World's Largest File and Data Distribution Brand.
  • •Ability to capitalize on a projects potential from day one.
  • •Opportunity to be part of OutCloud, the future of Secure, Decentralized File and Data Sharing Systems.

Unlike other ICO’s you may have looked into, OutCloud Systems, Inc. actually has a working program. OutCloud Systems, Inc. has developed a Delivery Platform for sending multiple large multimedia files and has ventured well beyond the usual file sharing experience to include a dynamic and instantaneous streaming presentation of those files in a safe, secure and fully customizable display that can be personalized for each recipient.

Simply Register here to create an account validate, sign in and go to your dashboard and click on "Buy Coins".

OutCloud Systems, Inc. has developed a business model that is designed to produce profits from the beginning. Unlike Dropbox or other similar programs that have never made a profit even with 500 million subscribers, OutCloud Systems (outofthecloud.com) will make a profit even from free accounts with the sale of advertising on its delivery program. As the number of subscribers for the OutCloud Systems program increases, its sale and value of advertising will also increase. Currently, the company projects that the sale of its coin on exchanges after the ICO should increase within 800% to 1200% over the first year. The company considers this projection as conservative in that the company’s marketing program for subscribers, which are also potential investors in the company’s coin will increase in volume once the ICO is completed and the OOTC service launched. This increase in marketing will have a positive effect on the value of the OutCloud Systems, Inc. coin. The company believes that its coin value could be much higher than projected

You can send ETH directly to our wallet, or processors using fiat via our Investor Userboard.

As soon as your payment for the open order gets 3 confirmations, OUT coins will be credited in your ETHEREUM ADDRESS.

Since we already have a working program, we plan to launch our service within months of our ICO completion. Download our app to keep in the loop with the Outcloud community and to join our viral contest for a free premium account !

Get In Touch

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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